40 Under 40 - Jessica Warren

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Jessica Warren

Jessica Warren, 38

Camden County Extension Coordinator and Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent


Employer: UGA Camden County Extension Office

Lives in: Kingsland


Professional responsibilities: My job is to disseminate research-based, unbiased information to the public on all things natural resources and agriculture related. This includes answering questions on landscape, garden, wildlife, pond and insect questions, and helping clients navigate and interpret the testing services that our office offers. I’m also responsible for offering in-person and virtual programming on these topics that demonstrates impact. In addition, I serve as the department head and supervisor of our office.


Accomplishments/Honors: Achievement Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Young Professional Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, National Silver Award for Websites-Apps-Educational Technology from the Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals, Early Career Service Award from Epsilon Sigma Phi, Search for Excellence in Forestry and Natural Resources State Award from the Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents, Coastal Cleanup Award from Rivers Alive.


Community Involvement: I have served on a number of local boards and projects over the years, especially related to hazard mitigation and resiliency. I currently serve on the Keep Camden Beautiful board, Woodbine Tree Board, Coastal Georgia Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area Steering Committee, and Georgia Adopt-A-Stream state board.


Why did you go into your particular field? I’ve always had a passion for nature and the outdoors, as well as animals. When I was working on my undergraduate degree in wildlife I realized that there was a large disconnect between the research and science being conducted – and its implications, and the general public’s understanding and awareness of this research. I decided to use my skills in communication and my understanding of science and research to help make this knowledge more accessible and digestible for the lay person. This is why my graduate degree focused on conservation education.


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A veterinarian.


What was your first job? My first job was as a sales associate at a Banana Republic factory store. It was the only job I’ve had that wasn’t somehow related to natural resources. My second job was much more interesting. It was managing an experimental aquaculture facility at my high school that was grant funded.


What is the best advice you’ve ever received? To find joy in what you have and live within (or preferably below) your means.


What’s your favorite thing about your job? I love to see people connect with and get excited about the natural world. I feel privileged to be able to help foster that connection. It’s wonderful to see people gain an understanding and empathy for something bigger than, and beyond, themselves.


What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? You don’t have to do everything at once. Don’t stress, take it all in stride.


Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? I’ve had a lot of wonderful mentors over the years, but my greatest would be my mother. She has always been my guiding force and my biggest supporter. She’s helped me find my path while always encouraging me to think for myself and question things. She has always loved me for who I am and taught me a lot of the values that I still use to guide my decisions. She taught me to stand up not only for myself, but for what I believe in and those who don’t have a voice or as much of a platform to be heard – to be fair and empathetic.


When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? Read, hike, go to the beach, run (not far and not fast), spend time with my dogs and husband, craft, garden, sew, travel, nature and wildlife photography.


What is something about you that most people don’t know? I make a lot of my own clothes and jewelry.


How do you hope to grow in your career? I’m actually quite happy where I’m at. I would like to see some of the programs that I’ve created continue to grow and expand and live on beyond my career. A couple of years ago I launched the Georgia Green Landscape Stewards Program – a statewide sustainable landscaping program that I created in partnership with another agent. I would really like to see it become sustainable and grow large enough that the state would need to support it with a full-time staff person. It’s doing well but I need more time and resources to dedicate to it. This year I’m piloting a Coastal Junior Naturalist program, in partnership with another agent, that is modeled after my Master Naturalist course. I would like to see that grow and expand as well.   


If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Teaching, which is what I do now. If I wasn’t working for UGA Extension I’d be back in traditional environmental education or in the classroom. Or, I’ve always wanted to be a children’s librarian because of all the wonderful and impactful memories I have from programs and story time at my local library growing up.