40 Under 40 - Shawn Boatright

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Shawn Boatright

Shawn M. Boatright, 35

County administrator


Employer: Camden County Board of Commissioners

Lives in: St. Marys


Professional responsibilities: Oversee and direct the everyday operations of the county; expends county funds to implement the strategic planning and priorities of the county as set forth by the Board of Commissioners; prepares and manages the county budget.


Accomplishments/Honors: Masters of Public Administration (MPA), Certified Public Manager (CPM).


Community Involvement: Foundation Trustee for the College of Coastal Georgia 2020-present; Coastal District Director – Georgia City-County Management Association, 2021-present


Why did you go into your particular field? I have always wanted to make a positive impact where I have lived and worked. Being a county administrator gives me that opportunity, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with several of our community leaders to identify ways to improve services to our citizens.


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Batman.


What was your first job? Construction worker buildings houses, as well as the produce manager for the old IGA on Jekyll Island.


What is the best advice you’ve ever received? To always trust your gut instinct and treat others with fairness, respect, dignity and courtesy.


What’s your favorite thing about your job? Connecting with our citizens and showing them how the county affects their daily lives and what they can do to be a part of their community.


What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career?Listen before speaking. Trust, but verify.


Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? Personally, my father. Professionally, I have a multitude of amazing mentors that I am grateful for, but I would not be where I am now professionally without the advice from my professor, Dr. Mary Eleanor Wickersham.


When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? Enjoy time with my lovely wife, Chelsea, our daughter, Madilyn, and our doodle, Allie.


What is something about you that most people don’t know? I served as a foreign adviser to the Afghanistan National Army during my second deployment to Afghanistan during my service in the U.S. Marine Corps.


How do you hope to grow in your career? By identifying best management practices to increase services to our citizens, as well as providing an economic foundation for our county government to grow and build upon for decades to come.


If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Pitmaster or travel extraordinaire.