FAA announces delay in spaceport decisions

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The Federal Aviation Administration announced today that decisions on Camden County's spaceport launch site operator’s license and the final environmental impact statement (EIS) will not be released this month as anticipated. 

"As previously announced, the FAA had planned to release the Final EIS and Record of Decision (ROD) in March 2021," said Stacey Zee of the FAA in an email Friday to stakeholders. "However, due to ongoing consultation efforts with the Georgia (State Historic Preservation Office) and the (Advisory Council on Historic Preservation), the FAA now intends to release the Final EIS by April 20th and the (record of decision) separately by June 18th." 

In addition to those agencies, the FAA also has consulted with several other state and federal agencies to ensure the project is in compliance with the various environmental acts. 

The Coastal Resources Division is still accepting public comments until March 8 as part of the project's requirement to receive Coastal Consistency Certification from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Those comments can be directed to crd.comments@dnr.ga.gov. 

"The agency comments are being incorporated into the Final EIS," Zee continued. "In addition, the FAA has completed a number of consultations including Section 4f of the Department of Transportation Act, Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (with National Marine Fisheries and US Fish and Wildlife), and Essential Fish Habitat consultations." 

The FAA launch site operators license being sought by Camden County Board of Commissioners would allow for the construction of "a commercial space launch site, Spaceport Camden, and offer the site to commercial operators to conduct launches of liquid-fueled, small-lift class proven (not unproven/experimental) orbital and sub-orbital vertical launch vehicles." The county has spent more than $8 million on this taxpayer-supported project to date. 

According to the FAA, a notice will be sent to individuals and organizations on the project distribution list when the EIS is completed. Updates on the Final EIS and record of decision will also be provided via the project website: https://www.faa.gov/space/environmental/nepa_docs/#SCEIS.