40 Under 40 - James Roberson

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James Roberson

James Roberson, 37

Pastor, Internal Audit Project Manager


Employer: Westside Baptist Church, U.S. Bank

Lives in: Woodbine


Professional responsibilities: As a pastor, I lead the Westside congregation, preparing and delivering sermons and Bible studies, officiating funerals and weddings. As an internal audit project manager, I "audit the auditors" at U.S. Bank, ensuring that the audit group is consistently meeting or exceeding all regulatory, industry and company requirements. 


Accomplishments/Honors: I hold the internationally recognized Project Management Professional certification. 


Community Involvement: I serve as the treasurer for the Camden Wildcat Quarterback Club. I'm also a board member for the Camden/Charlton FCA.


Why did you go into your particular field? Pastoring was definitely an example of "answering the call" and realizing I needed to do more than just be church member. Getting into internal audit was a matter of needing a job, having the right connections, and the right opportunity being available at the right time. 


As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A country music singer, a football coach or a businessman. 


What was your first job? Working on the manufacturing floor for a hurricane tie-down products company.


What is the best advice you’ve ever received? God will not give you what He knows you aren't ready to handle, so be patient enough to let that play out.


What’s your favorite thing about your job? As a pastor, being able to be there for folks when they need you most. In internal audit, having others reach out to me for advice on their work because they value the insights I provide. 


What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your career? That while you can make and maintain great relationships with co-workers, keep it strictly business with the company you work for – because the company will keep it strictly business with you as needed.


Who do you consider to be your greatest mentor and why? My dad because I have been blessed to have him close by my entire adult life, and he is willing to provide the feedback I need but maybe don't want to hear.


When you’re not at work, what do you do to relax? My family and I love Camden Wildcat and Georgia Bulldog football along with Atlanta Braves baseball. If I really need to destress, a round of golf or hitting the river to fish or swim does the trick.


What is something about you that most people don’t know? I love getting a group together and hitting a karaoke spot.


How do you hope to grow in your career? As a pastor, I hope to grow Westside Baptist to a point of sustainability where it is still ministering in this community and supporting international missions in 50, 75, even a 100 years. On the internal audit side, I want to make the most of my abilities so that I can continue in helping financially support my church and the other causes I am passionate about.


If you couldn’t do what you’re doing now, what would you be doing? Something else here in Camden County – I have never had an address or home outside of Camden because I haven't found another place I'd rather call home.